Friday, June 1, 2007

my head is spinning~~ weee weeee

okay.. so it has been, what? three weeks since the last post? hehe... my bad! I just don't have any idea what to write...

now... it's 11 days till the torture of all assignments (for this semester that is!!) will be completely OVER! I just can't wait till that day comes~!! Though I officially still have TWO assignments to be done, I have actually contemplated on the things that I want to do this coming break!! Talking about planning ahead of time... hehe~~

anyways... for the past week, I have been quite a good student (for my standard). I've been to the library.. BOOK HUNTING! Been really dizzy searching through thousands of books... but I'm glad I didn't get sick and throw up while readings all those endless notes... Pheewww~~ and yay! finally I kinda finished my Bilingualism assignment. I don't know how good or how bad it is, but the most important thing is~ IT'S DONE!! Yep... another two to go.... hope I'd have some more strenght left in me~~

THEN I CAN HAVE A REAL BREAK~~ ngeh ngeh!! Tak sabar nak jalan2 and tengok cerita korea balik~!!! (tho macam memang tak pernah stop tengok crite korea pon kan... but then after these I can watch withour worrying about assignments~ that'd be REALLY good~~ Juaheyo!~~


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