AADBSK season II madness~!

i can't imagine how happy i was when the parcel was in my embrace! (literally! i was hugging the box when i first receive them from the admin!)
so here the story goes~
yesterday, me and hannah were soooo bored and we were extremely hoping that AADBSK 2 would arrive~ hoping that pakcik posmen would knock on our door with a parcel for me (or us~ haha). but it was already past noon... and pakcik posmen was still not showing himself... i was already going half 'crazy'~ we kinda watched a movie (the banquet with daniel wu... not exactly the best movie we've watched, if you know what i mean) and did a survey in my room just to kill time and kill my anxiousness as well~
i almost gave up. maybe it's not gonna be here today i thought. it was already around 4 pm then. i don't know why i suddenly saw jaime's ym status ~ 'mari kite ke admin' or something along that line. and my fingers quickly gatal clicked her name and asked her why should we go to admin? (i kinda literally include myself in ~ well you know i usually do that stuff sometimes~ or maybe all the time? but neways... it's jaime, she'd understand! hahahaha). anyways... then she said she wanted to buy reload credit for her house phone but realized that she didn't have the money so she kinda feel like canceling going over to the admin office. i guess me clicking her name and asking the question was FATE. she asked to borrow a couple of dollars from me and dragged me there with her. i was actually secretly hoping that there'd be a notice in my mail box saying that AADBSK had arrived and i could collect it at the admin or even the post office (sanggup nak pergi post office asalkan bende tuh sampai!). but then jaime said she was in a rush because the admin might be closed anytime. it was already around 4.30 pm that time. she suggested that i should just go and asked the reception if i received any parcel. i agreed.
so off we go. i was hoping the parcel was there, but at the same time persuaded myself not to keep my hopes too high. i didn't wanna be too crushed! but then dang! my heart skipped a beat when the girl at the reception desk said that i had a parcel. but she scared me once again when she showed a wrong package to me. i was already quite sad then. i thought i was excited for nothing! however, she said she was wrong and checked the cabinet or whatever behind the counter once again~ and she took a medium-sized brown box. MY NAME was clearly PRINTED on the box! My heart screamed of joy! i was like... BEAMING! she might have wondered why is this girl soo excited receiving a parcel. well, yeah of course, it ALL ABOUT DONG BANG SHIN KI season 2 for heaven sake!
so i was smiling widely and kinda screamed a little on the way back home. jaime was the witness. hahaha. i couldn't stop speculating how hannah would react then. i knew she would scream. and she did... screamed AND jumped! hahaha. then we were busy taking pics and all that before watching them will giggly, fangirly mode... MAJOR FANGIRL mode actually~ huhu.
huishh. what a long post. my neck is killing me. hahaha. did i just bore you? :P sorry. can't help but write this down. ^^
now i am just gonna wait patiently for the blankie. Muah muah to Leleng for that. You love your sis so much, ei??? kkekeke
"AAAARRRRGGGGGHHHHHH!!!!!!!!" that's me screaming + jumping when I saw the parcel.....hahaha now we'll just have to wait until JAN to see my reaction when I get my Blankie in IPBA~~~ wait n see....hehehehe
hahaha... lets hope the fangirliness hasnt died down yet.. or we'll be like.. 'did we actually buy that??'hahhahaha
hahahahah, fangirl madness also made me jumping and screaming to the whole student village!!!!!! seriously..they heard me screaming like 2-3 times. hahaha.. it was unexpected coz that day i was a bit down(dissy+dizzy mode), then I took my parcel from the porter's lodge. I wasn't curious to know what was inside until I went home and BANG! Yaaaaa!!!!!!!!! I was screaming like hell~ hhahahahhahahahahaha.. laughing and jumping and straight away posted the "boys" on my door. AADBSK II reaally made my day. Jeongmal Juayo!
Phew. What an entry!
btw, hannah..bwk bersabar.wanee pun same..hehehe..blankie oh blankie..
na do joengmal juayo!!! haha.. hish.. the boys are also 'on my wall' d! ottoke? hari2 tgk diorg ni!
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