Saturday, June 2, 2007


just got back from macquarie centre~

and i got myself a new quilt cover set~!!

haha~ talking about doing something spontaneously~ i was only out to print some notes for the assignment, mind you! but look at what i end up with~!!!

jun-su and ken-ken are posing on the bed... with the new quilt cover on of course~~ (eh junsu kaler putih so x nampak sgt~~)

and oh.. i almost forget...

me, hannah, durra, ana & shim were on a school visit the past weeks... we went to james ruse for 8 straight days~ that was tiring! but it was kind of 'enjoyable'... i especially love the morning tea and lunch break of all things that they prepared for us! haha~ seriously... they prepared FOOD for us!

the future teachers? yang penting posing~

waiting for some morning tea maybe??
so yeah.. now i need to get back to doing assignments~~



Anonymous said...

heyy lawa gileeee!! ciesss! takpe2 akan ku beli juge satu hari nanti hahaha satu hari nanti tu x tau la bile kan, kat msia pon bole je hahahahaha

ha nak tgk hana nye sarung mate tu plak. :P

wanee ahnal said...

haha... iye... sile beli sile... kite kan suke rebel tak cukup duit pon bleh shopping lagi...

haks.. hannah bagi jaejoong the lamb die pakai tutup-tutup mata die tu

Anonymous said...

lor nape aku tak tau link nih.padanla .huhu aku yg lambat.cehh nk beli jugak la quilt owhh assignment cepatla habis!