::my new blog banner::

Today I woke up earlier... that means I did not sleep after my subuh prayer~ turned on my laptop... found that my account was suspended~ again~~~ and I had to wait till 9 am to clarify and have 'them' reactivated my account... yada yada yada... enough of that. I'm sick of complaining~ makes me feel worse... Let's just FORGET that~
Hmm.. what had I been doing lately? Well, my activities with Hannah had slowed down a bit. Basically 'cause we had finished a few series (imagine doing nothing but watch series on my laptop for the whole day! We even had our lunches in my room!!). I thought maybe we need a break (at least I do) from all those craziness and come back to reality... yes!
This semester~ my mind is scattered everywhere. Definitely that's due to the fact that we don't have any exams at all! Yeah we do have tons of assignments but the thoughts of 'no-exams semester' makes me feel at ease. That is in terms of my readings and all that. Of course I am even more scared that EVERYTHING will be assessed based on my oral + written assignments... I'm the type who scored better in exams than in assignments (not to brag or saying I'm somekind of a genius or something - which I am definitely NOT - but usually my exam marks DOES help) ... and this SCARES a hell out me!! YES, in conclusion, I am grade-concious!
~and yippie! I had completed my microteaching assignments~!! Both the presentation and the reflective writing task! Just like what I told Rod~ 'I want to get it DONE AND OVER WITH!' and there goes my first assignment! Let's worry about the results later. Right now I need a break before I start worrying on my other assignments!
Let's stop this here. I am definitely not used to this type of reporting. Ha-ha! So diary-like~ but I guess I need to consider writing these stuff so that my blog won't be so 'retarded'! He he... I need to post more stuff, more entries! Well, I guess I'm just not good with words~ or my life are just too plain and boring.
Sign off for now.
wakakkaka..kelako ok..ala2. diary seorang yg bernama wanee..ala2 bridget jones' diary k..hikhik..is this the autumn syndrome again? long nite.early day..loads of activites especially during the day since u feel sleepy earlier this time around..huuuuuuuuu..yup, i would say yes..wink wink...
briddget jones? owh.. ala ala chubby nk dekat same dah.. but i need 2 guys fighting oover me kalo nk jadi betol.. hahhaah
merapu lagi...
bygkan hugh grant ngan si darcy tu fight over kiter...
wah wah wah wah..
aku brenti ngajor kawen trus..
hak hak hak..
wanee. new banner lagi? gosh u have so much of free time havent u? huhu dun worry too much laa. u always score heheh
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