Okay... so after a while, we're finally in this tagging game again. This time, Alin iniated the game... and of course somebody tagged her before she tagged me and dragged me into this... he he. But to actually tag another 6, Alin? I don't think it's within my capabilities... Who should I tag? You are tagging my friends as well, you know? And my previous school friends are not bloggers!! Well, maybe just I'll tag just a couple of friends that you haven't tagged:
Anyway, I'm trying to think of the wierd things about me while I am writing this. So, don't expect a great list of wierdness, okay? I might forget that I am wierd in some way... Okay, now I sound 'wierd'. Heh!
1. I love to eat even though I am already full. I don't know why, but I just have the cravings to actually munch something eventhough my tummy is already stuffed! I think of food as happiness! The joy of tasting (and of course eating!) the food is like... I can't say it with words... If you know me, you know what I mean. That's why my 'dreams' of dieting usually are usually left as dreams~
2. I love watching drama series more than once! I'd watch once on my own and I'd be going to my friends and telling them about how good those dramas are!! I am like an unpaid promoter! And of course, I'd be watching the whole thing (usually) again~!! Sheeeshh... I know... I know... It's a waste of time. I knew that, but still I did that! Haks.
Urm.. now what? Running out of ideas. Oh yeah!
3. I always say that I want to buy certains things, be it sandals, or bags, t-shirts~ anything, but I always end up not buying them! Sometimes I will, but usually I don't!! Why? I don't know that myself. It's either I'd get lazy to go to the mall, store etc. or I change my mind just when I go to those places~ Weird, am I? But the good thing is, I get to save some money! Haaahh!!
4. I waste those money I saved (from no. 3) on useless things instead. DVD and VCD collections, external harddisk, handphones etc... well anyway, for me, those things are my treasures!!!
5. Love to cook in large amount and ask others to eat them. Is that even wierd?
6. And owh~ I'd get excited easily but then, after a while, I get bored! Like, for example, writing novels. The first few chapters, I'd be writing like crazy and then after a while, I just let it go. Then I forget what is it that to write after a while, making it quite impossible for me to continue writing. Or sometimes, I just changed the whole story. Even the lead character changes sometimes!! And yeah... I write characters based on true celebrities traits, or at least their physical traits... and even how much I love certain korean/chinese celebs, still I can't use them as the characters in my story as I don't think their characters will fit~ cuz I write in English and most of them CANNOT speak English in real life. So, I can't imagine them or bring them alive as my 'english-spoken' characters. That's why Edison was always my target...
So, do you think I'm weird now? Cuz I do now as I've written all this~! Haihh..
[the weird wanee ahnal]
-This entry is weird-
Another person is tagged! He he he