Friday, December 15, 2006

How pathetic! Starting Anew~

Yes! I have been wishing to change my layout for quite some time now~ but I definitely don't wish this to happen! I've forgotten my username & password! How pathetic is that? And no matter how I tried to retrieve it back, it just wouldn't work~! This is not exactly what I had in mind when I wanna make some changes in my blog~~ Aiya... I'm getting old for sure... Notetaking anyone? I guess it's time for me to do this... at least when my old mind forgets something some other time, I'll have a source of reference~ Haishh!!!

Now I understand your feelings, Hannah, when you had to leave your livejournal blog. Anyways... there's no use crying over spilt milk~ I need to start anew... but if there's any chance you want to take a peek on my previous blog, you can just click the 'my old entries' link~ you'll be directed straight to it~!

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