Saturday, September 15, 2007

spring break mode

Ngee~ The spring break is ON!
[but right now my left hand hurts!]

I can't believe that I've got through writing 4000 words essays in a week! Phew~ What a week I'm telling you. But I do feel a slight guilt 'cause I don't think I have done my best ~ Why? Well of course they weren't exactly the best of work when you just skimmed and scanned half of the articles that you have read then wrote 2000 based on that 'little' knowledge. And to think that I actually finished my assignments slightly faster than those who has started before me... of course they wouldn't be my best effort! No use complaining though. It was my choice. I chose to do them that way. Hrmm.. I guess I am just too anxious to do my non-academic activity that I just need to get the assignments done and over with - whatever it takes!

I've got TWO assignments coming up as well. Need to start considering when I'll start them. Hehe~ hope it wouldn't be as late as the previous assignments. Urghh... another microteaching! Hates it! It's just not comfortable pretending to know more in front of my classmates and pretending to TEACH them something. What's more teaching them things that they already know... Haishhh~ it's embarrassing, really! But ey, gotta do what you gotta do, aite? So, I think I'll get through it.

On the bright side, I will have a few days of break before working on the assignments~ YAY! Hannah, what are we going to watch? Kekekeke! (Uuu... re-watching DongBangShinKi vids is of course in the list! lol).

Hope ya'll have a good break as well. o^.^o

And of course~ the month of Ramadhan is here. Lets try and make the most out of it, yea? Just a few minutes before Maghrib. Gotta go off and get ready to break fast~ Selamat Berpuasa to all my Muslims friends. Jangan fikir nak raya je ye...!! Banyakkan amalan di bulan mulia ni~ InsyaAllah... pesanan untuk diri sendiri jugak~ Hehe

Sunday, September 9, 2007


I just finished my first educ391 draft. A whole lot of work need to be done to edit that. But I'm gonna give myself a little break before I burst and go ga-ga!

Anyways... I did a bit of re-make-up of the blog
~changed the banners, both at the top and at the bottom... and I'm loving 'em! [quite happy with my poor photoshop skills this time, though it might be quite simple.. hihi]

What do you think?

Just a short post today. See ya next time!

Friday, September 7, 2007

Panicking? what an irony!

Right now, I should be reading countless books and journals for my assignments but I can't seem to fight the urge to write a blog entry. Hmm... I've been told that my blog doesn't seem like 'my' blog at all cuz it is usually filled with rambling about my obsession with TVXQ, Fly to the Sky and what-not, so for once I am going to ramble fully on my life as a student! [I hope this will be maintained until the end of the entry without me diverging to my obsession at all - though I highly doubt it!]

Anyways, the main issue now is that I have never been so clueless in doing my assignments! Before this [previous assignments - previous semester]€, I'd nag that I had no idea what I should be writing but it seemed that I'd be able to go about it at least a week before the assignments are due, I mean, there're plenty of time to read all the readings etc. before I can actually start 'merepek' and babbling on the essay. But now, I still am quite unsure of how I am actually going to structure my essay. I am dead scared that I won't be answering the question after a 2000-words ramblings [not that I had started on them yet, yes them.. I have two 2000 words assignments waiting to be done which are both due in a week's time - my current wordcount [0]!!!!]. Help! I guess I still cannot adapt myself to doing assignments for this semester as they are the first to be submitted. Please Ya Allah, give me some strength and also some light so that I'll be able to get through this~ Amin~

I think I better stop. I really am beginning to get a bit PANIC. Gotta work hard! Jauhkan dari anasir anasir (kena ade [-] ke? ~ erk... I seem to forget my BM writing convention - don't kill me!) that will distract me and distort my attention *cough*TVXQ*cough*.

That wasn't too bad, was it? The entry is basically academic-based. Hehe!

"Wanee-yaa~ himneseyo!"