[Mission Impossible - Wanee]
Yosh.... I am tagged by Pari. So, here goes nothing!
[note that they are not exactly in order of preference] =)
5 things found in my bag~
1. My Purse
2. My house keycard
3. My room keys
4. My Ipod
5. QV Cream
5 things found in my purse~
1. Money!
2. Student card
3. NAB ATM card
4. MSA card
5. Recent receipts!!
5 favorite things is my room~
1. My laptop (of course!!!) & of course the whole set of it, including the external hard drive etc. etc.
2. My Harry Potter hardcover books (spend TOO much money on that!)
3. My bed!
4. My Junsu [the little sheep]
5. My family pic (definitely!)
5 things I've always wanted to do~
1. Buy a digi-cam (the one with image stabilizer~~ weeeee!!)
2. Buy expensive gifts for my family before before going back to KayBee
3. Meet Dong Bang Shin Ki~!!! [alright... now we've come to the crapping session]
4. Be able to go to wherever I want to, whenever I want to [and not having to worry about money]
5. Become a studious, well-respected student [but my laziness makes this very unlikely]
5 things I'm currently into~
1. Dong Bang Shin Ki (actually, more like KIM XIAH JUNSU and PARK MICKY YOOCHUN)
2. Sleeping early (?)
3. Getting thinner (whatever that is!)
4. Bananas
5. Harry Potter books (khatam lagi!)
5 people I'm going to tag~
1. Jaime
2. Tasha
3. Fatin
4. Nisa
5. Syada
Yeay! Mission Accomplished!!