active? not!
Okay... I think Alin has tagged a wong person. It's about being active at school... what did I do really in school for extra curricular activities? Well, it was so RARE I can't even remember much actually~ So, anyway, though you guys will be dissapointed with my list... I'd just tell ya briefly how NOT active I was in school....
Primary school....
I only remember being a reserve for a debate~ oh nope.. public speaking, I think~
Secondary school...
- I was sooo not active back in Naim. I don't know why but I just don't want feel like participating in anything at all~ I hardly even go to the extra-curricular activities. Suke cari alasan nak ponteng those activities... Haha~ tapi I tak ponteng sekolah ok! Perfect attandence~!!!
- In MJSC... I just entered a english debate competition between MJSCs of our zones (which I can't remember). I forget till what round I was in... but I remember it wasn't the final... haha!!
- Being part of the choral speaking team... not really apart of the team... I only write the 'script' (?) or lines or whatever you call it and watch them practice~ hahaha~ I do the easy work
- I also wrote a script for a drama competition between MJSC... but using my junior's name.... it was after SPM already then... so my teachers and I made a pack that I helped writing the script because none of the students in the drama team that time (my juniors) seems to be able to write a script (or for whatever reason it was) so I became the scriptwriter illegally... Shhhhh~~~~~ And it won FIRST PLACE~!!! Just that of course... I bukan yang dapat nama... Orang lain tak tau except for my teachers and the drama team tu aje~~~ HUHU~!
Well... that's about all. Told ya it's not a long list~~~
Okies. Gotta go to the library
Sign off.